Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Good Read

Yesterday I did not blog about what I love because my computer was typing backwards! Weird Huh? So today I will tell you what I loved yesterday. Then later on I will post today's love.

I love to read. I love magazines and the newspaper, of coarse the scriptures, but mostly I love a good book. Right now I am reading a true story about a man in a prison camp in World War 2. It is called The Long Walk. It is interesting. I am also in charge of choosing my Book Club's book this month and I am not having any luck. If there are any readers ou there who know of a real good book...LET ME HEAR IT.


Jason+Lindi said...

Oh, I LOVE to read too!

Matt and Abby said...

I wish I could say that I love to read too, but I just don't, I tried to love it but it didn't work out. Maybe I should try again.

mjs ashworth said...

I hear ya! i JUST FINISHED wEDNESDAY LETTERS and loved it!

mjs ashworth said...

I am so proud you did the picture all by yourself, you are offically a blogger now!!

Momzoo said...

There is nothing better than curling up with a good book!

Mike says "I can't keep the girls in shoes or Aimee in books."

Emily said...

Okay, now that I'm reading your blog I'll add a book to this one. You HAVE to read the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyers. I finished them in two weeks. She is coming out with a 4th in August and I am dying. It is scary how addicted I am to these books. Let me know if you've read them.