Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Valentine

p.s. BD gave me roses & chocolate covered strawberries today!

Happy Valentines Day! What a wonderful day of love this has been. Yet, my best love of the month and the best love of all time...and throughout all eternity... is still and
always will be my BD. He fills my
every need. He is the best husband, and these last 6 months has been a wonderful nurse, cook, cleaner, laundryman, errand doer, and comforter. He has gone shopping, gone to church, and even gone to weddings and receptions alone! He is my best friend and I am in constant amazement that he has held up so well. It seems like I cry on his shoulder all the time and he can put things into perspective for me and keeps me going. I love Big Daddy with all my heart and I am so glad that today he is the man I LOVE!


mjs ashworth said...

Oh how sweet! Dad is a great man! You are a lucky lady.

Matt and Abby said...

I love the picture! It is perfect. You are a lucky woman to have a man like dad. and wow I am sooo lucky to have such an amazing dad!

Momzoo said...

how sweet!

Chris and Tarisa Todd Family said...

That is adorable. I am sure dad is glad you notice all of his efforts! I am glad I took such a marvelous pic that made your blog!